Tuesday, October 15, 2013

It's Tuesday morning I was just finished watering my plants, no one expected that to happen. On that morning everything was fine like normal, it was half cloudy half sunny day. That day also was the end of Ramadan for the Islam religion and it was a holiday. After doing my choirs I went back to my bed checking on my phone then suddenly our house begun to shake! It was a strong shake at first and then it slow down a bit and then it shake even more stronger! The stronger earthquake I've ever felt in my whole life! The transformer in the electrical post erupted and the house on our neighbor was cracked! We were hit with a 7.2 Magnitude earthquake! Everybody went outside screaming and heart pumping very fast. I called my girlfriend and she also was scared and then the network was cut off. Electricity was cut off for awhile. Everyone was calling their relatives and love ones. I thought it was the end of the world, it was a breath taking experience. I minute ago we are still experiencing the aftershocks which reached to 5 Magnitude. Everyone was very afraid to go inside their house feared that it will come back again.

My father turned his battery powered radio to listen to the news and we heard tragic events! Many establishment were destroyed and collapsed. There were casualties and fatalities. A establishment was collapse in the fish port and a man was killed. The sad news was most of our Ancient heritage churches where ruined, destroyed. The Basilica del Sto. Nino which was the landmark of being a Cebuano was partially wrecked, the bell tower was fallen. Old churches in Bohol suffered severely compare to Cebu. It was wrecked completely! Fatalities are rising to hundreds.

God help Philippines.

Cebu Doctors Universtiy

Street in Bohol

Building collapse near CIT-U

Structures on top of the chocolate hills

Basilica del Sto. Nińo

Gaisano Country Mall


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